Kolter Pharma Consulting

Drug formulation development incl. digital tools

We evaluate recipes and formulations and provide advice how to improve them.

Oral dosage forms


Modified release

Poorly soluble & poorly bioavailable drugs

Drug stabilization

Digital tools

Excipient selection

The choice of excipients is crucial for the performance of drug formulations. They impact:

Drug product properties



Quality by design

Pharmaceutical manufacturing technologies

Selection of the optimal manufacturing technology is a key task of the formulator and is often connected with the excipients used. Thus, manufacturing technology and recipe define the performance of a drug.

Platform technologies

Special technologies 

In-house manufacturing or outsourcing

Innovation & IP Management

Innovations must act like infections, otherwise they are dead soon
                                                                  Hans-Jürgen Quadbeck-Seeger

Innovation is one of the decisive factors for the future performance of a company. However, it can only grow in a suitable environment where the whole organization contributes to it and where it is recognized as a task for everybody. An effective innovation & project management systems facilitates ideation and innovation.

Excipient market

The excipient market is rather fragmented and difficult to evaluate as most of the players do not only serve the pharmaceutical market but also other industries.

M&A Support

Assessment of products, technologies, portfolios and companies.